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HW Sports Campus : Limited Public Access

Troubling Elements in Harvard Westlake’s Application for Their Sports Campus

This is the first in an ongoing weekly series of News & Notes that explores key parts of the Harvard Westlake Sports Campus Application at the Weddington Golf & Tennis location.

Limited Public Access

The Harvard Westlake Sports Campus limits public access.

“…an interior fence/privacy wall to limit the points of access into the property…”

“…it will allow Harvard Westlake to monitor and direct visitor ingress and egress to a limited number of points…”

A fence will surround the facilities which are not available to the public. The public space of 7 acres is not contiguous, it does not create a park environment. It is created by bits and pieces cobbled together mostly on the perimeter of the property.

* The above is based on the initial Application filed with the Department of City Planning by Harvard Westlake. We will keep you updated as the process moves forward.

We welcome your comments and encourage you to forward this email to your friends and neighbors. If you have any questions, please email us at and we will respond to you.


Volunteers Welcomed!

The Harvard Westlake Sports Campus has the potential of disrupting the residential area around it and impacting already notorious traffic patterns. Save LA River and the Studio City Residents Association are seeking the best result possible and, we are looking for volunteers for specific areas:

  1. Use your contact list to notify your neighbors

  2. Help put out lawn signs / distribute flyers

  3. Create graphics for flyers

  4. Expertise in technology

  5. AND any other talent that you can bring to the table

For information and updates visit

Next week: Noise


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