MacMansions: Limits on size for Studio City is now in effect and joins the rest of the city.
In 2004, large mansions were being built next to small single story homes in our community. The SCRA stepped in and, with the help of our councilmember, Studio City created a solution to protect residents in non-hillside areas. An ordinance was passed that limited the square footage of houses to the lot size with a ratio that was smaller than the rest of the city. Sometime thereafter the city passed an ordinance that city wide lowered the floor area ratio but the Studio City ratio remained at the old level larger. The council office worked to bring Studio City ration down to and have the advantage of the lesser city wide floor area ratio by repealing the Studio City Floor Area Ratio.
The Repeal Ordinance to effect this became effective as of Jan 18 2008. Studio City now has the same protections of the enhanced Baseline Mansionazation Ordinance as the rest of the City.
Thank you Councilmember Krekorian and Planning Deputy, Karo Torosian!
Here’s the link for the ordinance.
For Development Updates:
Weddington Golf and Tennis: Go to Save LA River Open Space.
Ventura/Cahuenga Boulevards Specific Plan:
Go to http://cityplanning.lacity.org/complan/specplan/pdf/VENTURA.PDF
Any interested resident stakeholder can review current applications for development and request hearing notices. As a resident, you may review application files and attend public hearings for all developments within the City of Los Angeles. You may make an appointment to review the files and send your comments to the Planning Department prior to the public hearings. You also have the right to receive hearing notices so you can attend the hearings that may affect you.