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Postcard for Krekorian

Hello Supporters,

Thank you for attending the Special SCNC meeting on Sept. 8.  The huge 350+ turnout had the desired impact on the Neighborhood Council boardmembers and on the owner’s representatives.  Not one attendee spoke in support of the owner’s project.

Important Next Steps:

PLEASE click on this link :  Krekorian postcard, print it out, fill in the information, put in an envelope with stamp and then mail it to:

Studio City Residents Association (SCRA)

P.O.Box 1374

Studio City, CA 91614

*Only do so if you haven’t already filled out a postcard.  We’re collecting them to give to Councilmember Krekorian.  We must let him know we oppose the zone change at Weddington Golf and Tennis!

Thank you!!


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