Troubling Element Number Three Harvard Westlake’s Application for Their Sports Campus
This is the third in our ongoing weekly series of News & Notes that explores key parts of the Harvard Westlake Sports Campus Application at the Weddington Golf & Tennis location.
Traffic and Parking
Imagine, what it will mean in terms of traffic and parking with numbers like this:
2,217 That is the total number of fixed spectator seats (page 9 of HW’s Project Description document).
???? That is the unknown number of staff and students participating in sports activities.
532 That is the total number of underground (503) and surface (29) parking spaces.
Parking entrance off “…Whitsett Avenue, via a driveway located several hundred feet south of Valley Spring Lane and via a portion of paved Valleyheart Drive located just south of the fire station.”
“…vehicles exiting the Property will be required to make a right-turn onto Whitsett Avenue.”
“…underground parking will serve Harvard-Westlake employees, students, and visitors.” and “…when attendance at the Property is expected to surpass 300 people…shuttle service which will transport students from the Upper School campus…”
Traffic congestion and parking from sports activities and spectator attendance will impact not only the immediate neighborhoods but also the greater Studio City area.
* The above is based on the initial Application filed with the Department of City Planning by Harvard Westlake. We will keep you updated as the process moves forward.
We welcome your comments and encourage you to forward this email to your friends and neighbors. If you have any questions, please email us at and we will respond to you.
Volunteers Welcomed!
The Harvard Westlake Sports Campus has the potential of disrupting the residential area around it and impacting already notorious traffic patterns. Save LA River and the Studio City Residents Association are seeking the best result possible and, we are looking for volunteers for specific areas:
Use your contact list to notify your neighbors
Help put out lawn signs / distribute flyers
Create graphics for flyers
Expertise in technology
AND, any other talent that you can bring to the table
For information and updates visit
Next week: Special Events