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Keeping you Informed : Weddington Golf & Tennis Development Plan

Weddington Golf and Tennis have submitted a plan for 200 condominiums and to reduce the number of tennis courts down to eight courts, and add two pickleball courts. Access to the other exercise facilities and amenities will be provided however it is not yet known to what extent the facilities the will be open to the public. They will be semi-subterranean parking garage with 113 parking spaces under the 8 tennis courts. Other buildings include tennis house and a new restaurant. A garage under the condos. The above information was obtained from documents on file with the Planning Department. To read the proposal, click on this link which will take you directly to the case number, VTT-74209, on the LA Department of City Planning website. LA DCP Case Information. The complete application filed with Planning is not yet available electronically however SCRA is reviewing a hard copy of the application. SCRA will continue to oppose this development in that it will seriously impact many such as schools, organizations, and others who from the greater area have used this facility over the years. We are a long way from the first city formal hearings on this matter and we will keep everyone informed.

Alan Dymond President


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