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News & Notes - SAVE OUR HOMES

We have been asked to circulate this notice from a group of tenants that are being evicted from their rent-stabilized apartments due to an ED 1 project. If you all remember, the SCRA and other residents groups used this apartment as an example when we worked with the city to get guidelines for ED 1 that would protect RSOs. We did get that guideline included in the draft ordinance but unfortunately this project was filed prior to the guidelines. 

We have always maintained that no harm needs to come to any existing housing if we focus our attention on our commercial corridors. The argument being used by pro development groups is that to save single family neighborhoods, RSO units will be lost. That is a false narrative. We don't need to destroy any existing housing to create new housing.

These tenants have no place to go and the city has no answers for them. It seems only fair that if their RSO units are being demolished, a fair alternative can be given to these tenants. These are the unintended consequences that the City needs to address.

They are asking us for support. We are reaching out to people working in the city to see what can be done. Feel free to attend their Press Conference on Tuesday at 8AM.


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