Harvard Westlake’s proposal for the Athletic Center at Weddington Golf and Tennis were discussed with a few neighbors. Comments were posted on Nextdoor.
Save La River Open Space responded to the postings on Nextdoor as follows.
“Neighbors: Save LA River Open Space (SLAROS) is aware of the community conversation surrounding Harvard-Westlake’s plans for their Athletic Center on the Weddington site. We have been in conversation with Harvard Westlake and the relevant elected officials stating that the plans as they stand paint the picture of a more expansive and intrusive project than the community had anticipated and raise serious concerns about negative impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods.”
SCRA joins SLAROS in the above posting.
Council Member Krekorian’s public letter dated October 30th 2017 states: “The school has also acknowledged that it will respect the community’s desires by maintaining the tranquility of the property and preserving as much open space as possible as possible …” and “…the right kind of plan with the full input of our community”
SCRA has strongly encouraged Harvard Westlake to be transparent, open and widely share their plans so that all Studio City stakeholders have the opportunity to weigh in and help shape a project that will be a win-win for the entire community.
SCRA is closely monitoring the above and will keep our members advised as things develop.