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SCNC Board Meeting February 17th

The following motion is on the agenda as part of the Land Use Committee Report :

Motion B: The Board of the the Studio City Neighborhood Council supports these additional amendments to the Baseline Mansionization Ordinance and the Baseline Hillside Ordinance as follows:

  1. Funding shall be added for the sole use to train the City Department Staff on the rules and regulations of the BMO, BHO and assorted RFA’s.

  2. Funding shall be added for the sole use to enforce all the rules and regulations of the BMO, BHO and assorted RFA’s. A check list shall be required and completed by Plan Check and the Department of Building & Safety inspector held in the file for public records.

  3. Whichever is more restrictive between LAMC, BMO, BHO and RFA’s shall be the rule of law over the issuing of approvals and permits on residential lots throughout the City of Los Angeles.

  4. A provision shall be added to the BMO, BHO and RFA’s issuing fines to Builders and Developers who do not follow the approvals and permits, including stoppage of work until the violation is rectified. A record of the violators and violations shall be kept by the Planning Department or Department of Building and Safety for future use.

  5. When inspecting a property, the DBS inspector shall not enter unless the address, phone number of the Owner and the plans are shown on the required fencing.

  6. A clear and accurate definition of what a remodel is shall be required per the LAMC.

To see a copy of the entire agenda, you can go to their website at


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